Wednesday, November 09, 2016

解构与建构 Destructive vs Constructive

我记得看第一届中国好声音的节目有人问哈林导师为何选择吴莫愁这位学员代表哈林组。哈林的答案是她的声音破坏性很强,破坏歌曲后她会重创自己版本的歌唱风格。这种解构再重建不就是特朗普的写照吗?他竞选期间的言论和行为有很多都颠覆了以往候选人的一贯作风。 大概美国人都厌倦了一如往来的刻板政治,突然来个不一样的人物让大家特别注意。当大家都担心此人会为美国或国际社会带来无可预测的灾难时,或许他也正建构新的政治模式。 就如吴莫愁那样,对我而言其样貌并不是那种标准美的歌手不过其特殊的歌声和有点“怪异”的样貌恰恰就符合大众口味,现在是中国一线歌手呢! Trump‘s style in politics may be very destructive but it is also a process to construct a new political model, just like the lady Momo who won the runner up in The Voice of China. Her sound is destructive and her outlook doesn't belongs to the standard beauty group but she created her own style and now she is a very popular singer in China.

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